Help change your child's negative self-talk with daily affirmations. Affirmations are a great way to boost children's self-esteem and help them recognize their true value, capabilities and how loved they are.
These 101+ Affirmation Cards can help. Each one has a positive, uplifting message that kids can carry with them throughout the day. You can:
- Have your kids pick two or three cards from a bowl each day. Older kids can read the affirmations out loud to themselves while parents can read the cards to their young children.
- Tape specific cards to a mirror or tack them to a bulletin board in your house so your kids are reminded of these important thoughts each time they pass by.
- Stick a card or two in your child’s lunch box or backpack as a way to encourage them while they’re at school or camp.
A few examples of the 101+ affirmations on the cards include:
- I am worthy
- I am perfect just the way I am
- I embrace my fears fully and calmly
- I am creative
- Problems challenge me to better myself
- I am whole and complete
- I can do anything
How to use the affirmation cards:
1) After purchasing the cards, you’ll receive them as a PDF file.
2) Print out the cards either at home or at a print shop or an office supply store and then cut them out with scissors. Consider using heavy stock paper (like 110#) and/or laminating them for added durability.
3) The package of cards includes several blanks you can use to write your own affirmations for your children.